The eating habits that we eat in modern times are becoming a problem for our heart. Thus we have been facing problems like heart attack since we were 20 years old. Healthy eating habits are essential to keep our heart healthy and prevent heart problems. For that you can live healthier if you take some heart healthy foods. Otherwise you need medications to reduce the high blood pressure that affects the heart.
Heart health
A healthy eating habit is what we do to help our organs. The most important organ in our body is the heart. It is the heart that supplies blood to all parts. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Is me. We will definitely die. Now everything is in the 20s, 30s Heart attack, heart valve blockage, heart disease is the reason for the increase in the food we eat. We are consuming high fat foods like cheese, pizza, alcohol and fast food.
High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems after a certain age. Many people switch to medication as soon as they are diagnosed with high blood pressure. It should be noted that blood pressure can be controlled by a proper diet and healthy lifestyle. But here's how we can protect our heart through the food we eat.
Numerous research studies have confirmed that the number of people with heart disease is increasing. No matter what cardio exercise you do, we need to focus on the food we eat. We can control our cholesterol and blood pressure with the food we choose daily. These help our heart health. In this article we are going to look at a list of foods that protect our heart in that way.
Drinking beetroot juice can help control high blood pressure. According to a study, high blood pressure patients have lower blood pressure than those who consume 1 cup of beetroot juice for almost a month. Although both cooked and green beetroot have an effect in reducing high blood pressure, the effect of green beetroot is very important. Studies show that beetroot juice lowers blood pressure within hours of eating it.
Watermelon is an essential substance that lowers blood pressure. Citrulline in watermelon produces nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels. It then lowers high blood pressure and brings it under control.
Did you know that oats can help lower your blood pressure when you want to lose weight? Oats contain beta-glucan, which helps control blood pressure. It contains fiber, which helps in intestinal health and controls cholesterol and then blood pressure.
Oats are high in fiber and are good for lowering cholesterol. It acts like a sponge to expel cholesterol from our body. So take oats for breakfast to keep your heart healthy. Oats are high in fiber and are a great choice for seasonal meals. A lot of it is currently available in stores in flavors. It is better to avoid buying something so refined. The fibers in it are completely removed.
Many of us are aware of the immense benefits of garlic. But you may be surprised to learn that garlic is not only an antibiotic or antifungal food, it also accelerates nitric oxide production and relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Apart from this, Allis in Pond is beneficial to the human body in many ways.
The garlic contains a substance called alsin. It lowers our cholesterol and promotes heart health. So the best way to reduce your fat is to include garlic in your diet. Can also be eaten with garlic broth. Also take garlic tablets as prescribed by your doctor. Garlic helps prevent fat from accumulating in the heart valves. Let me see if this is the garlic against heart attack. In addition, frying garlic in ghee or oleoresin can help prevent heart attack.
According to pomegranate research, pomegranate juice intake can lower systolic blood pressure, inhibit serum ACE function and is a healthy fruit for the heart. Pomegranate juice consumption inhibits serum angiotensin converting enzyme activity and lowers systolic blood pressure.
Fermented foods
Fermented foods contain good bacteria and yeast, which can alleviate conditions such as high blood pressure. Researchers say that fermented foods inhibit the enzyme that increases high blood pressure in humans. However, people with high blood pressure are not recommended to consume high-salt fermented foods as this can make the condition worse.
Bananas are rich in potassium, which is said to be an important element in managing high blood pressure. It is often said that one banana a day prevents high blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association, the potassium in bananas reduces the effects of sodium and relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels.
This fruit is the number one source of good fats. Because it is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. So no longer take the avocado fruit instead of the butter or mayonnaise you touch to the chicken mutton. This avocado is not only delicious but also good for your heart. But take less because it is high in calories. That is why avocado is recommended in the diet containing a lot of low carbohydrates.
Blueberries are a healthy snack for you. It contains a lot of antioxidants. These help to lower blood pressure and prevent cell damage. But canned blueberries contain sugar and fat, so buy and eat them naturally. Helps in heart function. It also keeps the level of sugar in the blood under control at all times.
Celery helps the heart and coronary arteries to work properly. Helps to lose weight and control blood pressure. So eat this like a snack. Instead of the fruit juices you usually drink in the morning or afternoon, alternate between juices one day and celery the next. Those who simply do not like to drink celery juice can add lemon to it. In addition, add celery when making green apple juice. You will get even more taste and benefit.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains the antioxidants procyanidins. These reduce the absorption of fats in our body. This prevents the deposition of fats in the heart valves. But see if the cocoa is 70% and use it. It is best to take enough. Dark chocolate should be taken without sugar. Ingredients in it will keep high blood pressure and cholesterol from getting close to our body.
Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain omega 3 fatty acids and a lot of fiber. Omega 3 and omega 5 fatty acids are one of the best for heart health. So you can eat this with yoghurt, smoothie and salad. Some people do not like to eat flax seeds. Because its smell is also a little different. For those who don't like it, lightly fry it and keep it powdered. You can sprinkle it with pepper in the salad and soup you eat.
Green Tea
The antioxidants in green tea help prevent heart disease and inflammation. It regulates our body's metabolism and helps the heart to function smoothly. With the caffeine in it you can stay active throughout the day. So drink a cup of green tea and keep your heart healthy. You will never find any other best friend who thinks the green tea sample is only good for your body.
Omega 3 acids are one of the most important acids for the heart. These are more common in fish. So those who add fish to your diet have a lower risk of heart disease. Performs functions such as preventing blood clots in the heart vessels, regulating blood flow, and controlling blood pressure. That's why the American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice a week. Fish such as salmon are best.
Types of Nuts
A handful of nuts is enough to keep your heart healthy. In particular, almonds and walnuts reduce the amount of bad cholesterol that can lead to heart disease. Also controls blood sugar levels. You can also take it to the office and eat it as a snack. This will make you go hungry. Unnecessary fats do not accumulate as overeating is prevented.
Red wine
Red wine is good for our heart health. The reason is that this red wine made from grapes contains the antioxidants resveratrol. These prevent heart disease. Regulates blood flow by preventing blood clots in the heart vessels. So drink a glass of red wine a day.
Lettuce has no nutrients. The fiber in it lowers cholesterol, and lutein helps the coronary arteries. So if you add this to your diet as a salad, spinach shop, fries, your heart will be healthy. So next time you go shopping don't forget to buy all of these groceries. And do not forget to maintain your heart health.
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